Our fly and lice products can help prevent outbreaks on your farm.
In the last 20 years there has been significant changes in the New Zealand flystrike and lice space in terms of awareness, fly species and their distribution, chemical treatments available, awareness of potential environmental impacts and the increasing prevalence of chemical resistance.
It is estimated that 2-10% of the national flock is affected by flystrike annually. Impacts on animal welfare, and the subsequent economic effects, can be measured in the millions of dollars. Farmers spend in excess of $10 million annually on sheep dips alone.
Alongside the economic impacts of flystrike and lice, there are also animal welfare issues. Safe and effective prevention of flystrike and lice requires careful consideration and planning. It is for this reason that farmers are recommended to seek specialist advice from a vet or animal health advisor.
Coopers has a range of fly and lice products in the form of pour-ons and saturation products which can help prevent outbreaks on your farm. This includes the well-known brands Magnum, Wipe-Out, Vanquish, Zenith Concentrate and Blaze.
To find out which product is likely to work best for your farm, refer to our Lice Solutions flowchart, which can aid decision making.